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Infant Development Milestones: Must Know Guide For Parents

The joy of holding your little miracle in your arms for the first time is indescribable. You experience boundless love and your heart brims with excitement just looking at their adorable smiles and antics. At that very moment, you take a pledge to provide unwavering care to your bundle of joy. 

Did you know that at that age, your tiny tot’s have great potential to absorb, learn, and develop too! Being fascinated by everything and everyone around them; they have an insatiable desire to explore the world and their own abilities. Therefore, it is vital that we create a safe and loving environment that fosters your infants' growth, learning, and development. If you are a first-time parent, experiencing anxiety and filled with questions, continue to read as we will help you navigate this beautiful and fulfilling journey with confidence and ease.

Why Should Parents Be Aware About Infant Development Milestones?

As parents, we need to know baby development month by month. This information would equip us to create an environment, where they can grow and learn necessary skills. It also helps raise any red flags or potential developmental concerns.

By being aware of your baby’s growth milestones, you gain the opportunity to be actively involved in each stage. Watching your infant's developmental progress creates a magical bond between you and your cutie pie. Instead of feeling overworked and exhausted, you find joy in celebrating their triumphs and toothless smiles, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Giving you the confidence to remain steadfast on the path ahead.

How Many Developmental Stages Are There In Infants’ Growth?

Now that we have laid down why you need to know your infant's developmental milestones, let us take a look at each development stage in infants.

Newborn Developmental Stage (0-2 months): Do not underestimate their size, your small swaddled bundle of joy will take big leaps of growth even at this nascent stage. 

Physically they will learn to briefly lift their heads during tummy time, root to grasp and hold your finger or things, and make jerky arm and leg movements. 

They will develop emotionally too, and recognise faces, voices, and touch. They will smile each time they see, or hear you (stimuli). They will get startled with unfamiliar sounds and touch; thus it is important for parents to provide skin-to-skin contact at this stage.

Early Developmental Stage Of Infancy (3 to 5 months): Your little one is getting stronger with each passing day and is gaining better head control and trying to push up on arms during tummy time. 

Your sweetheart is now more curious and reaches out to grasp objects, explore them and instantly put them in their mouths. The moving fan fascinates your tiny toes and follows moving objects more smoothly. Responds to sounds and enjoys playtime. Your adorable munchkin is slowly beginning to get comfortable, letting out adorable laughs and smiles. 

Mid Developmental Stage Of Infancy (6 to 8 months): This is the stage where your little one is exploring movement and giving you constant panic attacks. 

You will see them making attempts to sit without support, crawl and roll over in both directions and believe me, they will not give up and get better with each attempt. Thus it is time to baby-proof your house now. 

Your child now loves the sound of their name, and looks forward to games, like pee-ka-boo activity, exploring the concept of gravity and making sounds by banging things around. 

Socially too they are getting conscious and do develop stranger anxiety when around unfamiliar faces. But when they are with you, they would give you a smile that would melt your heart and fade all your worries away.

Pre-Toddler Developmental Stage (9 to 12 months): By now they have endless energy to tire you down. Enjoying their freedom of mobility through crawling, they begin to pull up themselves and cruise along furniture and assistance. They build their grip to pick up smaller objects using their thumb and index fingers.

They begin to understand words and gestures and love to flaunt them whenever asked to do so. Infants look forward to problem-solving activities, like reaching out for objects or toys. 

Socially and emotionally they are more expressive and shower you with affection with warm hugs and kisses.

How Parents Can Help Infants To Achieve Development Milestones?

There you have it, we have listed all the developmental stages of newborns along with the signs for you to compare your child’s progress. 

The next step for you is to spend quality time with your child. Talk, sing, and read a book to them. They will learn a lot just by observing you. Encourage them to play and provide abundant safe toys like interactive books for infants, colour sorting toys, wooden alphabet puzzles, and baby flashcards, creating an environment for learning and movement. Remember every child develops at its own pace, and do not pressurise or push them at any stage. Seek support if you have any concerns.

Infant Development Toys & Games Ideas To Make Things Easier:

To make things even simpler for you, let me list down some of Skillmatics’ most sought after brain developmental toys for infants and toddlers that promote learning in a fun and engaging way.

  1. Do not underestimate the capabilities of your little sunshine, who has an incredible capacity to learn, absorb, and develop. Skillmatics High Contrast Sensory Mat (0-18 months) is designed to make playtime and tummy time more engaging.
  2. Stimulate your munchkin’s growing eyesight and elevate their visual development with Skillmatics’ High Contrast Black & White Flashcards.
  3. For your adorably cute bundles of joy, Skillmatics’ Peek-A-Boo: Jungle Theme (Ages 6 months +) is a must-have. This interactive soft book features fascinating jungle characters for them to playfully discover under soft flaps.
  4. Take your little sweetheart on an enchanting under-the-sea odyssey, and introduce them to magical sea creatures, providing a multi-sensory and engaging learning experience.   
  5. Your cute little sprout has grown to become a toddler and this stage deserves a milestone toy of equal proportions, Skillmatics’ My Quiet Book | Sensory Book for Babies (ages 1+) helps kids explore and learn essential skills like telling time, bucking up, mastering buttons and much more.
  6. Another great brain development toy that would spark your little one’s imagination is the Skillmatics Starry Silicon Stacker toy, which teaches them the concept of visual observation and stacking silicone stars from biggest to smallest.


Being a first time parent can be overwhelming, juggling the many new responsibilities and trying to get accustomed to having no control over your time and routine. It is ok to feel tired and helpless. Remember it is a temporary phase and it is ok to ask for help from loved ones. Do not be too harsh on yourself and enjoy each moment with your baby. These priceless moments will never come back. 

Make play time super fun for your precious darlings by engaging with them in developmental toys from Skillmatics. Here you will find a wide range of early learning flashcards, animal flashcards, wooden animal toys, dinosaur toy sets, and many more toys that would spark their curiosity and develop cognitive abilities, encouraging them to explore, learn, and grow.


What are the baby stages from 0 to 12 months?

There are primarily four developmental stages from 0 to 12 months for babies. They are Newborn (0 to 2 months), Early Infancy (3 to 5 months), Mid Infancy (6 to 8 months) and pre-toddlers (9 to 12 months). 

What are 5 infant milestones?

The key 5 infant milestones are mobility - crawling or walking with assistance, recognising faces, sounds, and touch, Smiling and reacting to stimuli, babbling or speaking a few words, and the ability to pick objects.  

What is the most important stage of infant development?

All the stages are equally important for an infant for their overall developmental growth.

What is the hardest infant stage?

None of the stages during infancy are difficult for your tiny tot, they are excited to explore the world and each stage becomes fascinating with Skillmatics’ developmental toys.

What kind of challenges do infants face in their development?

Speech delay or difficulty in motor skills are some of the challenges infants may face in their development.


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